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About Us

Finding Inspiration At Every Turn


Civil Securities Private Banking Group came together for a unified mission of freedom and prosperity for all minorities in the nation to bank, earn, invest, and be secured safely. Civil Securities Private Equity was started to further enforce the same mission of monetary freedom for all. 

Business Meeting


Grow Your Vision

Microeconomists Analyze Your Choices That Influence Your Journey

 We Are Front Seat Atlas In Hand Showing You the Road! 

Secured by Civil Securities National Private Banking Group



Getting finances

whether you work a 9-5, own a startup, moonlight,

don't want to work at all doesn't matter to us, but here

is the catch 22. Being a consumer is just another one

of life's facticites. Basically earning money is a

necessity in sustaining life! I'm not just talking about

your kids, or elderly parents but you also. Your life

matters too! 

Act like it!​

Monitoring Room


Protecting It Once You Have Recieved It
We all see all the movies where someone keeps

cash under their mattress and gets robbed two

seconds later...let's save it for the movies.

Insurance and banking are the two best ways to

secure your money! 

Get with the times!



Multiplying the money you worked hard to receive and even harder to protect 
is the biggest step in your life's mission from a civilian's microeconomic perspective.
Receiving Money is great but as all our great investors, entrepreneurs, and well just about anybody would say Passive income is the best income (making money in your sleep for my beginners)  â€‹

Our Clients

Crueghtin Lane.png

Speak With You Soon.

2022 Civil Securities Private Sector

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