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Conference Room


The National Civil Radiological Regulation Commission

Radiation is a complex and intricate ghost issue in America and several other ruling countries. Many fear a radioactive attack but do not realize they could and have been a victim of radon exposure for several years. Radiation being introduced to the body of not just humans but other animals lead to serious health concerns and even death. Radiation trauma can develop rapidly and therefore needs to be regulated. Regulating the amount of radiation that is being emitted in the air and even ingested in the body is crucial to the survival of humanity. Cancer can develop in many sensitive parts of the body like the uterus, brain, thyroid, and breasts. Heart attacks and strokes are also likely to occur and because radiation is not widely known about but rather mostly researched and studied in special laboratories or hospitals many schools and homes do not have the proper protection or knowledge to deal with any crisis or attack that may come there way. With the efforts of National Civil Radiological Regulation Committee all civilians will have access to the knowledge and help to get through any crisis or attack that may ever come there way while doing so the regulation committee will strive to monitor all active and coming electronics to make sure all are safe from dangerous radons while enjoying our favorite house hold tools devices.

Moving In

 The National Civil Minority Commission

Minorities deal with unknown issues everyday many of them go unnoticed and unannounced so our board of  "Civil Minority Commissioners" dedicated their time and efforts to finding these deep rooted issues while working with our civil intelligence team to create and bind a cohesive plan for the future of all minority man kind.

Image by Sushil Nash

The Federal Secured Civil Commission

Our Federal Secured Commission was created as the collective commander of the Federal Civil Sector and specializes in international efforts upholding the "Third Civil Power" standards in domestic and international affairs and initiatives.

Getting Out of Limousine

The Civil Compliance Commission

Civilians deserve a commission that goes out of their way to secure compliance standards in all industries to ensure a safer and more civil society for them and their future generations of the world.

Image by Jessica Christian

The Federal Civil Intelligence Agency

Civil Society requires a series of intricate studies to dictate what is being done properly, what needs change, and most of all how to go about that change. We rely on an elite group of civil people to find solutions to the past, present, and future that will overall create a prosperous lasting life while here on earth and even on future planetary civilizations to come. Our Intelligence agency is committed to lives of society and make it a mission to continue the exploration of society's solutions. 

Business Presentation

Civil Securities National Private Group

The Civil Securities National Private Group are the connectors of our private, public, and sub sector initiatives. They collide their passionate perspectives continuously in efforts to solidify a unified goal of cohesiveness amongst the Civil Securities Administration.

Business People Talking

Speak With You Soon.

2022 Civil Securities Private Sector

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